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Comedic Monologue - Nope, It's The Other

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Comedic Monologue – Nope, It’s The Other

As a breast cancer survivor reflects on her radical mastectomy and subsequent breast implant, she marvels at the realistic quality. She jokes about her husband’s proclivity for breasts, and how he loves the implant so much that he sometimes gets the two confused. She ends with a “titillating” (pun intended) test for the audience.

My Thoughts and Feelings About This Monologue

I loved this monologue! Funny, charming and relevant are all traits an actress can sink her teeth into (pun intended). Everyone knows someone affected by cancer. The trauma of the diagnosis is defeated in the victory achieved by our protagonist, and we all rejoice at her attitude and are left rooting for her and wanting more. What actor doesn’t want to leave them wanting more?


Stephen D. Locklear

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